Friday, 1 August 2008

More readings

In addition to my readings at Milk Wood every Thursday at 3pm SLT (see here) I will also now be reading The Day is Full of Birds on Fridays at 4pm SLT at The Poets' Dive in Windermere (click here for an SLURL link). As with Milk Wood, the readings will last for approximately one hour. It should take me about seven or eight of those to get through the entire novel. Tonight will be my first session at the Dive. Next week I'll be on holiday, so readings will resume at Milk Wood on 14th August and at the Dive on 15th.


Anonymous said...

I attended the reading in the Blue Angel today. Very interesting. I've read ahead and finished the book, too. Much better than I expected. I can see the infulence of PK Dick.

HuckHax said...

That was fast work, bamika! I'm glad you enjoyed the book. There are quite a few PKD references in it, which fans of his work will recognise. The main reason for writing Birds in the first place. however, was to try to recreate that uncertainty of perception which - for me - was Dick's trademark.