Thursday, 24 July 2008

AFK gets an ISBN

It's astonishing how easily pleased I am. The addition of a bar code and a 13 digit number (978-1-4092-0664-4, to be precise) to the back cover of AFK has me positively beaming. To celebrate, I've gone through AFK with a magnifying glass to get rid of all those pesky typos I discovered *after* I originally published it at (Solange, please note - I've sorted out the whole lose/loose thing too; thank you for drawing my attention to that). Version 1.1 of the paperback version is launched today (I'll update the free PDF version soon also); it's available now from lulu, but in six weeks or so, it should be available from Amazon. Yes!! Be certain I will let you know, the *exact* moment that that happens :)

Click here to check out AFK's page at

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