November marks the five year mark for me in Second Life®, although it wasn't as Huckleberry Hax that I first entered the metaverse. That avatar – born, as it happens, as a work avoidance strategy to the task of writing a fifty thousand word novel in one month (National Novel Writing Month, or 'NaNoWriMo,' will be well in swing by the time you read this; either I'll be on the way to adding another hastily written book to my collection or exploring some other new virtual world) – is long ago retired. Needless to say, the metaverse was a different place back in those days. The thing you rezzed into broadly looked like a human being insofar as it had all the limbs in the right place, but that was about as far as the comparison was valid. Clothes looked like they'd been spray-painted on by a novice graffiti artist (who was drunk). Hair looked like discoloured modelling clay. And so on.
In some respects, it seems a little strange that this should
be the case; sure – old hacks like me who were around in those pioneering,
pre-voice days might find transitioning to the miracle of speaking a little
hard, inflexible Luddites that we are; but what's the problem for the
newbies? After all, it's not as though
speaking to someone with your voice is a particularly hard thing to do - we do
it all the time in RL. There's nothing
to learn and nothing to unlearn, so
it should be as natural as, well, talking to someone. And Linden put a lot of work into making
voice an immersive experience in order to facilitate exactly that – not only do
you hear avatars' voices in the stereo field according to where they're standing,
but their volume decreases the further away they are from you. Just like RL talking. So why hasn't it caught
Well, actually, it isn't just like RL talking at all. For starters, when you're looking face on at
your avatar, the person to your left sounds in your right ear and vice versa. And, as far as volume is concerned, this
seems to be far more an outcome of other people's mic settings and quality than
anything to do with their distance from you, resulting in that cheerful
flirtation with eardrum perforation that happens when you turn voice all the
way up because the person to your left sounds like they're whispering in the
vague direction of a microphone somewhere in the general vicinity of their zip
code and the person on your right then sneezes.
And then there's the dropouts, when somebody tells you something really
important (it always happens when they're telling you something really
important) and the key bits are substituted with short periods of silence (or,
in some cases, everything you should have just heard, but at two or three times
the speed). In the end it's just too
much bother.
What's also missing in the understanding of SL voice
implementation is the simple fact that when you're talking face-to-face with
people in RL, it's not just their voices you're paying attention to. You're also attending to all those
non-verbals such as their facial expression, the way they're sitting or
standing, who they're looking at, what they're doing with their hands as they
speak and – a key one here for me – whether they're keeping an eye on their
watch whilst you talk. The absence of
all this information is something you can just about get away with in a
one-to-one context (hence the success of the telephone), but it becomes
increasingly difficult to manage the more people you add in. Personally, I find group voice conversations
a nightmare. There's nearly always a
dominate person or pair, there's nearly always at least two out-of-sync
conversations going on at the same time and there's nearly always someone who's
mic's so quiet that by the time I've brought up the voice list and individually
turned them up the conversation has somehow moved onto a different topic and my
well-constructed, frankly hilarious quip has to be thrown upon the rubbish heap
of wasted effort and failed social opportunity.
Text communication, on the other hand, is a greatly more
laid back affair. Whilst it's true that
the missing non-verbals which can make voice communication harder than expected
practically cripple any attempt at serious
conversation in text (which is why I do
prefer voice for these discussions), much of our talk in SL via this medium is
actually quite light-hearted and leisurely, and is largely unaffected by this
deficit. Paradoxically, in fact, our
conscious awareness of the limitations imposed by text have resulted in both
the creation of conventions that get around the absence of non-verbals (such as
smiley faces or that RP technique of describing observable behaviours, for
example “Huckleberry Hax walks to the nearest wall and bangs his head against
it”) and the allowance of a great deal of leeway in composition, relevance and
Along the way, we've picked up some entirely new expressions
as a result of text's rule over real-time digital interaction. LOL is perhaps the most famous of these, an
acronym so useful and distinct as a word in its own right that it finally got
an entry in the Oxford English Dictionary this year: "used chiefly in
electronic communications... to draw attention to a joke or humorous statement,
or to express amusement". I think
we can do better than that. David
Mitchell, for example, in his Soapbox broadcast earlier this year defined LOL
as meaning “I acknowledge that you have made a joke and wish to express my
enjoyment of it,” pointing out that the alternatives - “very funny,” “ha ha,”
“most amusing” - could all be taken as sarcasm.
I've even had a go at defining LOL myself a few years ago in my novel,
'Be Right Back': LOL – Yes, that was
indeed amusing.
I doubt I need to mention the horror expressed by the
so-called language pedants at the 'official' adoption of such new words into
our languages. The point they miss, of
course, is that language is the thing in which we live and it lives its own
life right beside us, evolving to meet the needs of the contexts in which it's
used and the people therein using it.
Text is, of course, not the possession only of SL, but in SL we have the
ability to write about what we're jointly seeing or hearing – to experience
something in words together. As technology improves (see my column
last month), this might end up a thing of the past. So be it.
But whilst this era is upon us, we can still make it a golden.
Speaking of LOL and its associated family of laughter
related acronyms, a few weeks ago one of my friends in SL spilled coffee on her
keyboard, resulting in the entire bottom row not working. Whilst awaiting the repair date, we had a lot
of fun playing the 'guess what this is meant to say' game and one of those
missing-letter-words ended up making it through to regular subsequent
conversation: LAO (LMAO, but without the M).
It's a great world to live in where one friend can make another laugh
through the typing of three letters. I
really mean that. In these days of
increasingly sumptuous visuals, let's not forget SL is also still a great big
language playground. Most importantly of
all – if for no other reason than it won't always be this way – let's not
forget to play in it.
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