Sunday 6 November 2011

InWorldz Huck gets born

Just as Second Life was originally a distraction from my first ever NaNoWriMo, it seems Inworldz has become the distraction for this year's attempt.  InWorldz Huck is pleased to meet you...


So it turns out you can transfer money from SL to InWorldz.  And that Redgrave have a skin store in InWorldz.  Thus ends my period of definitely-not-going-to-spend-any-money-on-my-avatar-this-timeness.  I knew it wouldn't be long.

One purchase later, and InHuck is looking pretty much identical to SLHuck.

Except for one detail... a freakishly pointy chin...

It's a measure-by-measure copy of my bespoke SL shape I'm wearing (by Scarlett Rhea of Harlot, incidentally), so I'm assuming this to be some sort of InWorldz quirk.

1 comment:

Bebe said...

Welcome to InWorldz Huck. Pleased to meet you too. Hope to see you around sometime.